Would you Partner with us and Make a Difference?
You can make a difference and become part of an incredible family of generous people, like you, from around the world.
You can join us on the ground through your giving or through your prayers. Let us know how you want to partner with us. No gift is too large or too small. Get in touch with us at familyhubtrust@gmail.com
Ways To Get Involved
a. Donate towards our Care Baskets for the families. Each Care baskets costs about US$20
b.. Donate to our Education Fund and help us keep kids in school..
c. Donate to our Kids Klub Fund so that we can be able to get and maintain the tools and equipment to run an effective Kids Bible Club.
d. Sign up and commit to pray for us and the work that we are doing. You will receive a newsletter with our program updates and prayer requests
A typical Care Basket consist of the following food items; Corn meal, cooking oil, sugar, salt, soya chunks and sugar beans. We also include a bar of washing soap and tablet of bath soap.