Our program with children and youth are informed by the fact that a large number of children and young people in the community are either orphans or are coming from single parented homes with, usually, the father being absent, either because of death, separation or general disengagement.

1.      Psychosocial Support through community Based Kids Bible Clubs

2.      Education support and Vocational Training

3. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)

4. Health and WASH programs .

Education Support

 We target young children in Primary schools in and around Bulawayo who are orphans or are vulnerable in one way or another. The aim is to keep the children in school and help them get a basic education. We provide school fees and basic school supplies. We engage with the whole family through regular home visits so that the family can be fully involved and support the learning process.  

“Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.”

— Proverbs 26:6 NKJV