


At the Family Hub our desire is to see families and communities living life to the full. Our hope is to see Healthy, Happy Families that are thriving in all areas of life. Why? Because family matters! Family matters to God, family matters to me and family matters to you! We work to see individual families and whole communities embrace and celebrate God’s plan for family life and relationships. In this way whole communities can celebrate shared value!

  John 10:10 "...I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

At The Family Hub we believe that family is very important. We believe that family matters. God is the one that created the family unit and, throughout the ages, we see him deliberately and lovingly put people into families.  

Psalm 68:5-6 Father to the fatherless, defender of widows-this is God, whose dwelling place is holy. God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy.   

It is God’s desire to see people thrive in healthy happy families and it is ours too.  

Family matters to me because without family I feel like a lonely island that no one visits. I feel disconnected and all alone.   

Family matters to you too because you belong to a family and you need your family around you. Try and imagine a life without anyone that you can call family! Bleak right?


 The goals, objectives and strategies of The Family Hub Trust are aimed at strengthening family cohesion and securing family livelihoods through empowering different members of the family with various skills that are necessary to survive and to thrive. The main focus is to see healthy, happy  families that celebrate God’s plan for family, leading to shared value in their communities.

 In working with families, special attention is given to women, particularly those that are heading their families and, children that have been made vulnerable through various factors that include poverty disease or conflict. The organization believes in a collaborative approach and works with various entities in the different communities that include churches and other faith-based organizations, community-based organizations and various government departments and stakeholders.


Psalm 68:6 "God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy."


 At the Family Hub Trust we uphold the following guiding principles:

  •  God Focus -We strive to put God first in all that we do!

  •  Family focus-We seek to involve the family in all that we do

  •  Community focus-The community is an important stakeholder in our work

  •  Excellence

  • Legacy