Before you say “I do”

At the Family Hub we believe that Marriage is a God ordained institution that can only be successfully negotiated by understanding and embracing God’s plan and purpose for marriage.  God is the one that instituted marriage and gave us the blue prints for marriage. Unfortunately, many people go into marriage without this understanding and the result is that they run into serious trouble that may even end in divorce. Truth is many couples spend more time preparing for their wedding day than they do for their marriage. A wedding is only for one day but the marriage is for a lifetime!

One of our main programs is the Marriage Preparation Course that is designed for courting couples that are considering marriage. The ideal candidates for the course are those that are not yet engaged. The idea is to help the couple navigate through some questions like;

·        What is marriage?

·        Am I ready for marriage?

·        Why do I want to get married?

·        How does that line up with Gods plan and purpose for marriage?

·        Is my partner the right one for me?

·        Am I the right one for my partner? When is the right time etc

We have a 15-week program where we meet with the courting couple every week for about 90 minutes. During the meetings we lay the foundation buy introducing a godly principle and then give the couple some homework to go through during the rest of the week.

Meet Ndaba and Langa who graduated from the program. They went through the program and got married in July this year.

‘The sessions challenged us to look very carefully at what Marriage is according to the Bible. We also interrogated our motives for wanting to get married and our decision to start a life together. The experience has been eye opening and very helpful. Whatever preparations we would have done on our own would probably have only scratched the surface. We are now in a better position to tackle any challenges we may face in Marriage’


Updates From Don and Kaluba
